So what's the word? Well, it is freezing here today in our neck of the woods. Snow is being forecast for the low foothills surrounding our little valley area and it was a whopping 34 degrees this morning when we checked the weather forecast. This is in sharp, sharp contrast to last Saturday which was almost 80 degrees for the high. A beautiful, sun-filled, cloudless sky kind of 80 degrees. The Incredible Digit children were particularly enjoying themselves in the backyard.
And I got some very pretty pics of flowers from our garden and trees.
I also visited Abundant Yarn and Dyeworks in Sellwood. What a great place. There's an overflowing supply of yarn and fiber and a great little cafe. The Incredible Digit children especially enjoyed the bubbling foot soaking fountain in the corner of the cafe. It took all of about two seconds for each of them to have their shoes & socks off and their pant legs rolled up. While there, I picked up this roving.
I've gone and lost the label so I can't say who created this luscious stuff, but the color combinations are so pretty.
On the knitting front, I've been lucky enough to get a few test knits. I've already finished two for a pattern company based in Portland and I've got another small project for (wait for it).....KnitPicks!! For all you non-knitting people, KnitPicks is basically Target for knitting/crocheting/yarn people. Once the patterns/images are available to the public, I will post my versions here.
Before I sign off, here are a few pics from Easter. My kids "clean up good".