Wednesday, March 19, 2008

See That Girl, Watch That Scene.......

......check out our Dancing Queen!

The Incredible Digit Girl had her first ever dance recital last night.  In the video clip she is the second dancer to come out onstage and is dressed in a purple top and red pants.  It was a little hard to get more detail in the movie but she was very happy and smiling through the whole performance.  The instructor for the class, Katrina O'Brien, is so great with the kids and really helps give them a sense of "having fun" onstage.  

I'll update with more pics soon!


Bobbie Wallace said...

Tell Mellie she did a wonderful job! And you enjoy the recitals while you can; before you know it, the kids will be grown and recitals will be a thing of your past. ;)

And why don't we have any pictures of yarn-making, hmmmmm?

Sharon said...

So cute! Thanks for posting the vid.