Monday, September 23, 2013

A New (Writing) Leaf

I've been reading a few blogs that I haven't checked in quite some time and, of course, then remind myself that I also have a blog that I haven't checked in, oh, about a year!  While I would never be accused of having nothing to say, I certainly don't write in this venue with any regularity.  Should I keep going with it?  I do like having this as a place to have my knitting patterns/info/etc. but I don't really update that either.  

So here's the experiment.  I'm going to schedule myself to write here at least once a week and see what I can keep up.  

As of right now I'm getting ready to announce a new needle felting class at All About Yarn (info soon).   A winter landscape on a pre-felted wool bag with lots of details.  I'm really looking forward to sharing this project.  

Also, Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival is right around the corner.  I'll be at my usual spot in the Carolina Homespun booth.  All my fiber friends, come 'round and say hello!

Until next week, here's a pic from the Washington County Fair from this summer.  I need a little reminder of summer now that fall has officially arrived and the weather has decided to comply with that description.  I'm really not ready for cold and blustery yet.

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