Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Surprise Part Two

Shockingly, I have finished a knitting project in record time. I started the Baby Surprise Jacket last week and definitely "surprised" myself by finishing it so soon. I did get a little confused by the pattern and found a cheat-sheet on the web to help me along. In my haste I forgot to take a picture of it before I sewed up the seams. I used two hanks of Lorna's Laces Superwash Shepherds Worsted yarn in Watercolor. When I say used, I really mean it. Check out the pic that shows how much I had left after all was said and done.

It will be bound for my lovely niece once I convince the Incredible Digit Girl that she really is too big for the sweater.

1 comment:

Sarah / Blue Garter said...

Beautiful work, Kathleen! Thanks for the heads up that you'd posted pictures.

Sarah from Knit/Purl